DJSonic was born the 30th of December of 1981 in Barcelona. He did his first steps in a very young age. In 1997, with only sixteen years, he can dispose of his first turntables and begins to do his first mixes.
In 1998 and with only seventeen years he debuts in a big party in Baetulo Disco in Badalona, which brought in this age many important DJ’s of high level and in a short time he became the resident DJ.
Thenceforward he plays in several private parties and different pubs. It was like this he introduces himself in the scene and started to know many people of this music scene.
In 2002 he gets resident en “Chic Molins de Rei” together with Dj Storm and starts leading the sessions of Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.
The same year in 2002, together with his cabin colleague they produce their first maxi Hardcore "Dark Angel-here with me feat Dido", that was number one during some months in important clubs like ”X-QUE? and PONT AERI”.
Furthermore these theme has been nominated that year in the top five of hardcore at that time by the specialized magazines like: DJ1, and the magazine Dj.
These album gave him many chances and opened many doors.
Morever these song was included in several bestseller compilation albums likes Festival Sesions Vol.2, from Vale Music.
In 2003 he became resident in the second club, in Terrassa called "Nuclear", together with his cabin colleagues Dj Dany R and Dj Revolution. That year he debutes as Dj promo in the disco “X-que?” presenting his first disk.
Also in 2003 he plays for the first time in the club ”Pont Aeri” in a 12 hours party, recognized party there.
The good work of his sessions and knowing Marc Skudero, gives him the opportunity to record his first compilation "Dj's Factory vol.2", together with the dj's Mac and Lunatik, Botch and Brian, Plus and Kini, Dj Dave and Dj Zippo.
From there on he belongs to the Dj's Factory of Pont Aeri, a national patent brand. His sicen sets became more frecuently in “Pont Aeri Terrassa, Barcelona and Vallgorguina”.
Here he start having more performances in more recognized clubs and therefore more important.
In August 2003 he takes his first solitary sicen sets in “Pont Aeri Terrassa”.
We are in 2004 and together with Ruboy he produces his second maxi "Change your Mind", which gets a high approval of the scene public. This maxi which consists of three cuts was also included in the compilations “Profesional Dj's, 100% Xavi Metralla vol.2, Pont Aeri 4life”.
On the 13th of february 2004 he debutes already as the official resident of “Pont Aeri” in a Hardcore party “4 Life” in Terrassa.
The 20th of December 2004 comes out his third production by Pont Aeri records "Bitch remix" together with Ivan Dark.
The following production doesn’t take a long time in coming out, exactly the 16th of may 2005, together with Xavi Metralla he produces the 4th maxi "Sk8er Boy".
His track "Change your mind", was also included in "Ruboy Records Compilation vol.1” in 2005.
In 2005 he produces the album "Shine a light", where Marian Dacal gives her voice in the B-side in the famous song "Gasolina" from Daddy Yankee. These track is included, too, in the “The winter compilation Vol.1” of Pont Aeri.
In 2006 he produces together with his cabin colleagues the Pont Aeri Vol.10 "Belive".
Combined with the productions, he feels himself in a great professional moment, where he gets nominated for the "best dj makina/Hardcore" the five following years, and "best dj revelation" in 2006.
He alternates with the multitude of sicen sets his personal evolution and formation as a professional DJ.
His sessions cross along a big part of Spain and in international level like: France, England, Scotland and Norway. He has shared cabin with the best international DJ’s ( Angerfist, Outblast, Catscan, Promo, Art of fighters, Mad Dog..etc..) and has participated in several Festivals of Masters of Hardcore in Spain.
He had a categorical success with the festival he organized (SUMMER GO FESTIVAL 2007) in Tarragona, and subsequent he organized another bigger one of 12 Hours. SUMMER DREAMER FESTIVAL 2008, a very potent party in "Les Terres de l'Ebre", with high level DJ's in these times like: Javi Boss, Skudero & Xavi Metralla, Pastis & Buenri, Batiste amongs others.
For the future he has many projects in mind, now his main concentration is Hardcore on the production level, and his sessions are caracterized by the speedd, originality of the mixes and especially the intensity and good flow he transmites everytime he is in front of the turntables.