X-Core, born as manu ruiz in 1984, in the center of France, is an electronic music fan since his childhood. He got interested in hardcore music several years laters with releases THUNDERDOME, HAPPY HARDCORE, inc...
Years later, he got interested in styles from Spain (where he comes from), including in most cases MAKINA MUSIC, without leaving his favourite style therefore.
Then he slowly came back in force in hardcore music in the begining of 2002, starting also in mixing in electro-techno style at the same time.
This help him to mix in most clubs in his region, and built his career and reputation making contests.
In the begining of 2006, this young DJ begining in production/composition. Only to take pleasure he composes. This pleasure can be also the ours !
After hours and hours of hard-working, it succeeds on very satisfactory results.
Nowadays, he dedicates himself to the mix Hardcore in different parties everywhere in France.
He nevertheless takes time to meet a lot of people and mix, and now he's a co-founder of the label Paris Hardcore Mafia

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